
Elizabeth Connors-Keith is the hypnotherapist at Hypnosis for Health. She is a graduate of Hypnosis Motivation Institute, the first nationally accredited college of hypnotherapy in the U.S., and is certified by the International Certification Board for Clinical Hypnotherapists. Elizabeth has been certified as a coach by SMJ Coaching Institute and by Future Force, Inc. and certified as a relationship coach by The Center for Personal Reinvention. She has also been trained as an Integrated Energy Therapist by The Center of Being, Inc., as an Instant Miracle Technique practitioner and as a Hypnobirthing instructor by the Hypnobirthing Institute. Elizabeth has a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and a Master’s degree in Cultural Anthropology. She has had a hypnotherapy practice in California since 2006.
Elizabeth is passionate about inspiring and empowering people to be healthy and confident, and committed to helping people find their natural joy and peace. Using hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), counseling and coaching, she helps people get in touch with their needs, make healthy choices, and tap into their innate power to be the best they can be. Elizabeth has helped many people stop smoking, manage their stress, release fears, trauma and old habits, and to create positive new habits and viewpoints.

PLEASE NOTE: Hypnosis for Health is now located in McKinleyville. Sessions can also be done either over the phone or online. (Hypnotherapy works just as well over the phone or virtually as in person, please see the testimonials page for confirmation of this). 

Call:  (707) 498-4897